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What to Consider When Selling Your Practice

Considering What’s Best for You and Your Practice

As a founder-led business, we truly understand how important it is to ensure that when the time comes to step away from ownership, the business you worked so hard to build continues to see growth and opportunity. That is why our team of business and veterinary professionals is here to answer any questions you may have as you consider selling your veterinary practice. We’re here to ensure you have all the information you need to make the decision that’s best for you and your veterinary practice.

A veterinarian wearing blue scrubs and gloves, examining a cat on a table while holding a clipboard in the background.
What does a practice sale mean for me financially?

Blue River offers competitive, custom acquisition plans designed to assist selling owners in achieving their personal financial goals and securing their future.

What will happen to my team after the sale?

Dedicated team members are at the heart of every veterinary practice. Therefore we do not change the staffing structure of the clinic, and just as before the sale, staffing decisions will be made by local hospital leaders.

Will my practice’s name and culture change?

We believe strongly in honoring the legacy of each practice through continuity of culture and retention of individual clinic branding, therefore we do not make any changes to a clinic’s brand or culture following a sale.

How will medical decisions at my practice impacted?

We believe strongly that patient care protocols and medical decisions should be left to those who know best. For this reason, each of the clinical teams across the Blue River family retain full medical autonomy following a sale.

How will my clients be notified of the sale?

We recognize that your clients are only concerned with receiving the same great client service and patient care that your team currently provides. We do not make any client announcement related to the ownership transition.

How long will the transition process take?

Our team is committed to providing a seamless transition for hospitals joining the BRP family. Our goal is to navigate the transition process as partners, moving at a speed that is the most comfortable for you and your team.

Explore a Sale to Blue River PetCare

Blue River PetCare provides an acquisition path that’s friendly, respectful, and collaborative. If you’re looking for options to secure the future of your practice, staff, and legacy, we’d love to hear from you.

Sell Your PracticeExplore Careers

Explore a Sale to Blue River PetCare

Blue River PetCare provides an acquisition path that’s friendly, respectful, and collaborative. If you’re looking for options to secure the future of your practice, staff, and legacy, we’d love to hear from you.

Sell Your PracticeExplore Careers